Cashier Samone Yancey, 26, of Florissant was in the back room with Whole Foods corporate security. Her employment with Whole Foods was down to its final minutes.
Through a computer system tied to the cash registers Whole Foods was able to determine that between November 14, and January 3. Yancey had been creating fraudulent cash refunds for nonexistent customers and keeping the money.
Her checkout line was having a lot of cash refunds. It totaled $12,927.96.
Yancey had given a verbal and written confession to Whole Foods security agents. She told them she was having “financial difficulties.” Her employment was terminated and she was then arrested. Once arrested she declined to give any more confessions.
She pled guilty in front of Judge David Vincent who gave her a No-Record, No-Fine, No-Jail SIS probation. She is required to reimburse to Whole Foods the 13-Grand she stole. The term of the probation is 5-years.